Decent Women

Decent Women is a collaboration of two artists. I’ve worked with this performance together with dance artists Hanna-Maija Pääkkönen; we are both women, feminists, mothers and entrepreneurs. In Decent women we explore the space allowed for women in the society within the very narrow concept of ‘decency’. 

We map out the space where women are seen as  ‘decent’ and therefore accepted and valued in society. The interplay of dance and drawing brings to light the rules, contradictions and restrictions imposed on women, underlined by questions of power and agency. We also explore the interfaces of motherhood, sexuality, power and corporeality through a multifaceted interactive performance that challenges both the artists and the audience.

This performance is possible to arrange and perform virtually in addition to conventional contexts of performing.  

All photos above ©Martina Näreharju 2020

Performance at Forum Box Gallery, Helsinki Finland, 2021. All photos above ©Alex Merveroux 2021.


representations of power