Social Portrait - Women Only
Because the history of art is the history of power.
The rich tapestry of art history has long been intertwined with the dynamics of power. Portraiture, in particular, has historically been reserved for those who occupy esteemed positions within the social hierarchy, often reflecting established norms and conventions. Yet, a closer examination of European history, as well as that of other continents, reveals a striking disparity in the representation and recognition of women within the esteemed canon of art, particularly within the realm of portraiture. It is within this context that my project, "Social Portrait - Women Only," strives to provoke contemplation and inquiry regarding women's historical absence and presence in the annals of art.
This project takes shape as a poignant long durational performance, wherein I meticulously draw portraits of women in public spaces, including art museums and galleries. Since 2017, this artistic odyssey has led me to explore countless museums and traverse several countries. Throughout my journey, a resounding truth has emerged: the act of being seen is inextricably linked to the essence of human existence. To emphasize this profound realization, I consciously divert my gaze from the paper and instead fixate intently upon the woman seated before me. Through this deliberate approach, my aim is to underscore the significance of making women seen, thereby granting them the acknowledgment they deserve.
The choice of art museums and galleries as the backdrop for this transformative performance is deliberate and crucial. By drawing women in these public spaces, with an audience gathered around to witness the drawing process, we collectively assert our presence and claim visibility within the contextual realm of art history. In this symbiotic interaction, the performance itself engages in a poignant dialogue with the historical trajectory of art, subverting established norms and challenging long-standing biases.
An integral aspect of my methodology is the creation of two portraits for each woman. This duality holds profound significance, extending beyond mere aesthetic variation. It serves as a symbol of authority, autonomy, and agency. Each sitter is empowered with the ability to select the portrait that resonates most deeply with her individual identity. Through this act of choice, the project fosters an environment where women reclaim their narrative, exercising their inherent power to shape their representation.
From 2017 to 2022, my artistic endeavor has seen me draw the essence of over 878 women across various countries, including Finland, the United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, and Japan. These encounters have served as the building blocks of a diverse and vibrant mosaic, transcending borders and capturing the multifaceted essence of women's lived experiences.
I am unveiling women’s visibility and it is an impassioned testament to the profound impact of art. It prompts critical reflection on the imbalances ingrained in our societal fabric, particularly within the realm of representation and visibility. As I breathe life into these portraits, the project strives to pave a path towards a more inclusive future—one where the faces and stories of women, regardless of their societal standing, are celebrated and eternally woven into the narrative tapestry of art's resplendent saga.
Gallery Art Space, Tokyo, Japan 2019
HAA Gallery Helsinki, Finland 2021
HIDDEN Onoma Summer Exhibitions, Fiskars, Finland 2022
A.I.R. Gallery, New York City, The U.S. 2022
Kuvan Kevät 2023, Helsinki, Finland, 2023
Kuntsi Modern Art Museum, Vaasa, Finland, 2023-2024
Social Portrait - Women Only in Oslo Art Weekend, 2022. Film, edit and Audio by Alex Merveroux 2022
We are the Daughters of History, Katriina Haikala, 2021, 3-channeled video art,4K, Color, Stereo.
Film and edit Pinja Valja.
Social Portrait Drawing Performances 2017-2022
Amos Anderson Art Museum, Helsinki, Finland, 2017
Turku Biennale, Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova, Turku Finland, 2018
Finnish Institute in London, London, UK, 2018
Taidehalli, Helsinki, Finland, 2018
EMMA, Espoo Modern Art Museum, Finland, 2019
Spiral Art Centre, Tokyo, Japan, 2019
Art Space Gallery, Tokyo, Japan, 2019
Fondazione Volume, Rome, Italy, 2019
Villa Karo, Grand Popo, Benin, 2019
LIFT Festival, Helsinki, Finland, 2019
Tampere Art Museum, Finland, 2020
Spiral Art Centre, Online Events, Tokyo, Japan, 2020
HAA Gallery, Helsinki, Finland, 2021
Serlachius Art Museum, Mänttä, Finland, 2021
Instituto Iberoamericano, Madrid, Spain, 2021
Thyssen-Bornemisza National Museum, Madrid, Spain, 2021
Madrid1, Women’s Incarceration Centre, Madrid, Spain, 2021
A.I.R. Gallery, New York City, U.S.A., 2022
Gallery San Sebastiano Contemporary, Sicily, Italy, 2022
Fiskars Summer Exhibition, Fiskars, Finland, 2022
Oslo Art Weekend, Oslo, Norway, 2022
A.I.R Gallery, New York City, The US, 2022
The Window, Paris, France, 2023
Kiasma, Helsinki, Finland, 2023
Kuvan Kevät, Helsinki, Finland, 2023
Kuntsi Modern Art Museum, Vaasa, Finland, 2023 & 2024
Social Portrait Drawing Performance, 2022, A.I.R. Gallery, New York City, USA.
Social Portrait Drawing Performance, 2022, San Sebastiano Contemporary, Sicily, Italy. Curated by Riikka Vainio.
Social Portrait Drawing Performance, 2022, Oslo, Norway, in collaboration with FINNO
Social Portrait Drawing Performance, 2022, Gallery Pirkko-Liisa Topelius, Helsinki, Finland.
Social Portrait Drawing Performance, 2022, Hidden - Onoma Summer Exhibition, Fiskars, Finland. Curated by Laura Sarvilinna.
Social Portrait Drawing Performance, 2021, HAA Gallery, Helsinki, Finland.
Social Portrait Drawing Performance, 2021, Women's incarceration Center, Madrid, Spain in Collaboration with the Instituto Iberoamerico de Finlandia.
Social Portrait Drawing Performance, 2021, Thyssen-Bornemisza National Gallery, Madrid, Spain in Collaboration with the Instituto Iberoamerico de Finlandia.
Social Portrait Drawing Performance, 2021, Serlachius Art Museum, Mänttä, Finland.
Social Portrait Drawing Performance, 2021, Madrid, Spain in Collaboration with the Instituto Iberoamerico de Finlandia
Social Portrait Drawing Performance, 2020, Tampere Art Museum, Tampere, Finland.
Social Portrait Drawing Performance, 2019, Tokyo Spiral Art Centre, Japan in collaboration with Finnish Institute in Tokyo. Curated by Yoshie Ota.
Social Portrait Drawing Performance, 2019, Mänttä Art Festival, Mänttä, Finland. Curated by Marja Helander.
Social Portrait Drawing Performance, 2019, Fondazione Volume, Rome, Italy. Curated by Krista Mikkola and Riikka Vainio.
Social Portrait Drawing Performance, 2019, Espoo Modern Art Museum, Espoo, Finland.
Social Portrait Drawing Performance, 2019, Taidehalli, Helsinki, Finland.
Social Portrait Drawing Performance, 2018, Granary Square, London, UK in collaboration with the Finnish Institute in London.
Social Portrait Drawing Performance, 2017, Amos Anderson Art Museum, Helsinki, Finland.